Privacy Policy

Our Website URL:

Company name:

Southern Jar Company Ltd

What is the address of the business:

Bognor Regis, West Sussex, PO22 9NH

What kind of personal information do you collect from customers:

  • Email address
  • First name and last name
  • Phone number
  • Mailing address
  • Address

How long are customers’ personal data stored?

Until customer's request to remove it. 

What is the company’s support e-mail address that customers can reach out through?

How can customers contact you for any questions regarding the company’s Privacy Policy?

  • By email
  • By visiting the Contact Us page on the website
  • By phone number +447784036588
  1. Products can be returned within 14 days after the purchase. If our error, will be a 100%. If customers changed his mind will be a 80% from the full order amount refund.
  2. Any return request / refund request/ replacement request will be accepted within 14 days from the delivery date. 
  3. If any product is damaged, the picture should be made in our package, at the moment of delivery. In case the damage will be approved, are available two options: partial refund or replacement sending with the next order. We do not send replacements alone.
  4. We have right to cancel any order.
  5. We have right to refuse any further communication with rude customers.
  6. From the moment of the order placement we have maximum days 3 days to dispatch the order. If any delay, we are obliged to contact customer.
  7. Delivery time – 1 to 5 working days (30 days for backorders).

What should I do if I did not receive the parcel? 

Contact us by email at or with a call on 07784036588 and provide us with all the necessary information about the missing parcel after which we will contact our couriers. After receiving a response from them, we will contact you immediately. This request processing time takes up to 5 working days.

Sending Samples and Refunds

Southern Jar Company Ltd sends samples only on request. These samples are paid in full including delivery. A refund of 5% (or maximum of £10.00) is made to the buyer for every further order until reaching the amount of £10. 


Southern Jar Company offers first-order discounts, discounts based on order quantity and discounts based on the number of orders.

First order discount:

10% first-order discount with code SOUTHERNJARCOMPANY

Order quantity discount:

100 - 299 items - 5%;
300 - 499 items - 10%
500 - 1000 items - 15%
1000+ items - 20%
Backorder - 25% (only bank transfers)

Number of orders discount (additional to the order quantity discount):

5% discount after first order (code is sent with the order confirmation email)

10% discount after the 10th order (no minimum order amount)

15% discount after 25th order (no minimum order amount)

20% discount after 50th order (no minimum order amount)

For example, a full pallet as the 51st customer's order will have a 45% discount.

Free shipping

Southern Jar Company Ltd offers free shipping within England and Wales for orders above £89.00. Additional fees can be applied for Scotland Highlands, Northern Ireland and other British territories.