Collection: Wine bottles

There is something comforting about having a good glass of wine at the end of a trying day. The heat of the blend combined by its chilled feel ebbs away all feelings of frustration, stress and anything else that may have been carried during the day. However, all this can be killed by opening a bottle of nicely chilled wine only to find it flat and tasteless.

Wine bottles for sale

There are a few factors that can affect the quality of good wine. Some of these factors that affect the quality of wine include the soaking process and fermentation temperatures during the blending stage. These two affect the substance of the wine, what defines its type and density. Once the wine is done, the other two factors that could then affect its quality are the choice of an ageing container and the capping method. This is where we come in. Wine requires delicate treatment while packaging to enable it to age well and keep the original perfect blend.

The general market will provide you with a wide range of options for containers to package your wine in. The best choice will always be glass. Glass bottles provide the wine with a fine landing that does not affect the scent or texture of the wine. Unlike metal jars that could easily rust and corrode, glass allows the wine to age gracefully without the risk of it degrading and leaking into the wine. Wine also demands to be placed in an ageing container that allows it to breathe.

The ageing process means that the wine continues fermenting which then makes the cells to expand. As such, it is important to ensure that the packaging container is capped with a lid that allows for this process to happen without forcing the container to explode. At Southern Jar Company, we understand this all too well. We go a step further to understand that UV rays affect the color and taste of wine, especially red wine. This is why we provide you with such options wine bottles for sale as the 0.75L Espanol UVAG glass bottle.

Coming in a standard wine bottle size, this is the perfect example of a good ageing container for your perfectly blended line of wine. It boasts a fine long neck settled in a wide welcoming base that promises comfort for your wine. As per demand, it comes in a dark shade that blocks out harmful UV rays to ensure that your wine blend ages well to ensure that in decades to come, your brand of wine will only taste better. To allow your wine to breathe easily as it ages, we use wooden caps.

These are designed to allow just enough air out without allowing too much in. You see, as much as the wine needs to breathe, too much air can also cause the wine to go flat. Oxidation causes the compounds in the wine that are responsible for giving the wine its aroma and taste, making it taste flat. This is why we ensure that all our wine bottles come with wooden corks. Our Bordeaux wine glass bottle for instance, as with all our wine bottles, comes capped with the perfect wooden cork. With this wine bottle with a cork, you are certain that your wine will be protected from high oxidation and the aromas and taste blends will be preserved.