Glass vials are highly-functional containers we see all around us. And you will observe that brown glass bottles are very common. They are famous for packaging lots of consumables. Alcoholic drinks, edible and essential oils, syrups, sauces, vinegar, and cosmetics for instance. They are also in widespread use for packaging drugs and supplements.
Among these brown glass vials, quaint small cork bottles have a place. These small containers are convenient for storing reduced quantities of substances. Which include pills, powders, liquids, herbs, and spices.
The Usefulness of Brown Glass Bottles
Glass containers stand tall in the realm of tamper proofing. The inert and impermeable features of glass are outstanding. Furthermore:
- Glass can safeguard substances longer than we can imagine.
- Along with a tamper-proof seal, glass is sure to protect its contents. Glass is the best material for sealing out dust, moisture, air, and microbes.
- Glass is nonreactive. Which leaves the taste or smell of whatever is inside it intact.
Again, amber or brown glass bottles are the most functional of all colours of glass. The composition of amber glass bottles is denser than normal. They are a unique blend of limestone and soda ash mixed with sand. The characteristic brown colour results from adding sulphur, iron, and carbon additives.
Amber glass bottles are the most efficient at preventing photooxidation. The term 'photooxidation’ refers to the effect of ultraviolet light on some substances. It can change the chemical nature of sensitive materials. The substance either loses its potency, or it becomes poisonous. The amber colour blocks out blue, ultraviolet, and other wavelengths of light. These wavelengths are below 450 nanometers.
Advocating for Small Cork Bottles
![small cork bottles](
Imagine carrying a typical glass bottle of liquid supplement, or more than 50 pills, on a trip. A cumbersome and risky venture. First, how to prevent its breakage poses a problem. Then the likelihood of exposing the bottle to direct sunlight or extreme heat. Inasmuch as amber bottles act as light shields, it is not absolute. They still need safe storage away from moisture, heat, and direct sun rays.
A sensible alternative is to use small amber cork bottles. Thus you avoid carrying the bigger bottle with you. Your travel kit will be a tad lighter with these small amber vials. In addition:
- They take up little space.
- Your travel bag should have zipped or sealable compartments for small cork bottles. Thus, they risk little or no exposure to light, heat, or liquids.
- You may trip or drop bottles in a sudden move. But these little amber glass vials are quite thick. Furthermore, they suffer less impact than bigger glass bottles when they fall. Unless dropped with a lot of force, small amber bottles are less prone to cracks.
- You can put the required dosage that covers the period of your trip in small cork bottles. Thus keeping the rest of your medication well protected.
- These small amber bottles can help you regulate how you use your medication. This measure helps your costly medication to last longer.
- Small cork bottles can safeguard against wastage, contamination, or spillage of medication.
The Advantages of Using Cork Stoppers
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Cork stoppers have their merits, which include:
- Cork stoppers do not taint the drug, supplement, or other substance with a strange taste or smell. This is because cork stoppers do not react with stored substances. But over time, a strong possibility of leaching or tainting by plastic or metal caps exists.
- To an extent, cork does not absorb atmospheric moisture or liquids.
- Cork is a natural insulator.
- Cork is well-known for its health benefits. It is anticancer, antiallergic, antifungal, and antimicrobial in nature.
- Cork is resistant to insect attack, toxins, and dust.
- Cork stoppers do not change in form or constitution over time. So they are long-lasting.
But plastic or metal caps may degrade as they age.
- Cork is sustainable. It is recyclable. Furthermore, the bark of the cork oak is the raw material for making cork. These trees regenerate their own bark after some time.
Caring for Cork Stoppers
To enjoy your small cork bottles for longer, ensure the following:
- Check the cork stoppers to be sure they are tight-fitting and without holes.
- Store your cork bottles and stoppers in cool environments. This stops them from drying out.
- Cork stoppers are water-resistant, but not in entirety. Avoid leaving them in water or moist areas for any significant period.
- You can wash and reuse cork stoppers. Dunk a lint-free cloth in warm water and mild soap or detergent. Use it to rub down the body of each cork stopper. Rinsing the cork stoppers in cool water should follow. Finish off by leaving them to air-dry.
- To go further, sterilize the cork stoppers. Spray a fine layer of white vinegar or hydrogen peroxide all over each one. Then position them somewhere clean, where they can air-dry.
- Dry out a wet cork stopper by daubing a dry cloth on it in a gentle way. Then air-dry it.
- Separate the small bottles before cleaning them. You need hot water and mild soap for the task. A bottle brush is ideal for scrubbing their inner surfaces. Rinse them in warm water at least twice. Then put them in boiling water. Not less than 10 minutes is adequate. To dip and remove the hot bottles, use tongs. Remove them, and let them cool down. Then dip the bottles in 70 percent isopropyl alcohol to complete the sterilization.
Final Words
Brown glass bottles are good for protecting light-sensitive substances, including medications and supplements. But it is better to use small amber-coloured cork bottles for your traveling needs. They are lightweight. Again, they prevent exposure or contamination of your medication.
Cork stoppers also have health, heat insulation, waterproof, and other benefits. The simple tips above can help to ensure they remain clean and dry.