8 Tips for Keeping Snacks in Airtight Glass Jars

8 Tips for Keeping Snacks in Airtight Glass Jars

Many of our favourite snacks from local stores or eateries come in temporary wrappers. But we often aim to make or buy snacks for later consumption. Thus, you need reliable alternative containers like airtight glass jars.

Imagine reaching out for a cookie, biscuit, or energy bar - and it feels soggy. Or a chunk of cheese or fruit with an unpleasant smell or taste. As such, you should mind the ideal storage conditions to preserve your snacks. It makes sense to transfer them into airtight glass jars.

Common Avoidable Mistakes While Storing Your Snacks

Check out some avoidable errors that can tamper with well-known snacks. 


Your beloved bag of chips may serve you several days of crunchy indulgence. But its resting place should be in a freezer. Have them wrapped in well-sealed plastic bags before doing so. Or better still, use airtight glass jars.


Leaving your crackers inside plastic bags is a big NO. You may not realize it, but plastic bags can absorb moisture and air. Rather, place your crackers inside an airtight container.


Cookies should remain crunchy, but not dry out. So keep them in well-sealed containers; glass jars are the best. Again, allow newly-baked cookies to cool off before covering them. To keep them crunchy, place a slice of bread inside the container.


You should keep both popcorn kennels and prepared popcorn in a freezer. Because once you open it, popcorn becomes stale or softened pretty quick. A perfect opportunity to use tightly-sealed glass jam jars with lids. Or else, well-sealed bags or containers are suitable.


Chocolate has two weaknesses. First, it only stays firm below 18.3 degrees Celsius. Again, chocolate can imbibe the strong flavours and smells floating around your refrigerator. But you can work around using a fridge in hot weather. Protect the chocolate with airtight containers, or glass jam jars with lids. Or else use a well-sealed bag.

Beef Jerky

Beef jerky lasts longer in an airtight container. Again, leave beef jerky out of the fridge. Let it rest in its container somewhere dark, at low temperature.


Surrounding temperatures can impact the ingredients in granola. So, it is advisable to store it in well-sealed containers or wrappers. But sealable glass jars are a top choice. Ensure it stays out of hot or humid places.


It is vital to keep yoghurt in a tightly-covered container. Its original packaging should suffice. Keep reusing the lid and foil covering the yoghurt container to seal it throughout.


Cheese needs to ‘breathe’, so it does not need extra-tight wrapping. You aim to keep microbes away from the cheese and preserve its aroma. So, have it wrapped in parchment paper or beeswax wrapping.


Nuts are prone to heat, humidity, and light because of their oil content. It is sensible to keep them sealed in a freezer. Here again, glass jam jars with lids, or tightly-sealed glass jars, are useful.


Leave your brownies uncut until you are set to feast on them. Or else it will become hard. And cut out the portion you want to eat right then. Beyond this, your brownies will remain good in a tightly-sealed plastic wrap. For better results, keep them in sealable glass jars.

Ice Cream

Ice cream belongs to the coldest region of your freezer - the very bottom. The freezer door is a no-go area. The freezer door is prone to open air each time you open it.

8 Vital Tips to Help Keep Your Snacks Fresh

Following these vital tips below can lengthen the shelf-life of your favourite snacks.

  • Find out the specific guidelines for storing each snack when you buy it.
  • Remove snacks like nuts, granola, candies, and chocolate far from light and heat.
  • People eat several snacks in crispy form. As such, you should shield them from moisture and air. To effect this, keep them in well-sealed containers with tamper-proof lids. Neither should the container be in a moist environment.
  • You may use a large sealable container to keep several bags of snacks. But ensure each snack has its secure wrapper. If possible, partition the available space.
  • A quality method of preserving baked foods is to wrap them in beeswax wraps. Not only do they keep your snacks tasting fresh. Beeswax wraps are washable and reusable.
  • Avoid using jars with narrow openings or tall and narrow bodies to keep snacks. The same rule applies to all foods. It is better to use large-diameter jars with airtight lids.
  • You should keep certain foods out of the freezer. Mayonnaise, creams, fresh and soft cheeses, and fried foods are examples. Also, do not freeze water-rich veggies and fruits. It may tamper with their texture.
  • To thaw frozen produce in glass containers, transfer them first into the fridge. Otherwise, bring them out into the open air to thaw at room temperature. Liquid foods, in particular, need enough time to defrost on their own. No matter how slow, allow the defrosting to run its natural course.
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